Sunday, March 17, 2013

90-day Slim Down: Week 2

Every week has a "focus goal".  Last week was simply to find the time to workout.  This week is to give up or reduce one bad habit.  I'm trying to reduce my sugar addiction.  Not going cold turkey on desserts but limiting myself to one dessert each day.

Monday - Running Interval: Just like the Cardio Interval from last week (3 min steady / 30 sec sprint) but on the treadmill.  Would have been nice to run outdoors but I'm not very good at pacing myself and timing intervals is just easier with a hands-free timer in front of you.  I finished strong which means I can add incline and/or increase my pace the next time around.

Tuesday - Upper Body Strength Circuit: Arm workout (pushups, rows, tricep dips, curls) interspersed with cardio (jumping jacks).  Repeat 3 times.  Sort of feels like a non-workout after the interval cardio but I know my arms will be sore tomorrow. 

Wednesday -  15-30 minute brisk walk.  I'd rather run, but I understand the need to pace myself (these are 40 year-old knees after all).  The weather was nice so I headed to the park to walk 30 minutes at a solid pace.  I think my calorie burning was kicked up a notch by the 30-40 mph headwind - wow is it windy out there today!  But the sun was shining and the temperature not too cold.  It does feel good to get out of the gym and into the sunshine.

Thursday - Elliptical Intervals: Same intervals as Monday (3 min / 30 sec) but on the elliptical.  This is the last time before we start increasing the sprints.  I was more tired today than Monday but i think that had more to do with being thirsty the entire time.  Second lesson learned - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!  Tomorrow is yoga so I'll be spending some time searching for a video online or on demand.

Friday -  Vinyasa Yoga Class:  I looked up Vinyasa Yoga to see what that meant and it is a combination of strengthening and stretching.  On YouTube I found a 40 minute "Vinyasa Flow" workout that was probably above my level.  Thankfully, the instructor kept encouraging everyone that it was fine to "go as far as you can" - in my case, not far!  I was very impressed at how much muscle strengthening goes into yoga - and with how inflexible I really am.  I would like to try some beginner's yoga to improve.

Week 2 Complete!

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