Tuesday, March 5, 2013

90-Day Slim Down to Summer

After making plans for our summer trips a few months ago, the kiddos kept asking "how many days until....." over and over.  So I hopped on to the AppStore and found a countdown app to count down the days (for free, of course).  I settled on the simplest one with the best ratings - Countdown+++.  It's super easy to set-up, has a range of colors, and lets you create countdowns for multiple events.  Courtesy of that fabulous app, I noticed 2 weeks ago that it was rapidly approaching 100 days until I had to sqeeze myself into a bathing suit.  Ugh.

Needless to say, I am not at my fittest.  I've never been athletic or prone to working out.  A fast metabolism has always kept me relatively within the same 10-15lb weight range although not toned.  And while turning 40 didn't stop that metabolism (thank goodness!), the effect of gravity over the last four decades has left me feeling lumpy and saggy. 

I know from past experience that I need a plan to follow.  It's just the way I work - tell me what to do, give me a box to check off and I'm there.  If I could hire a personal trainer to whip me into shape, I would totally do it.  Unfortunately we didn't win the lottery this week and leprechauns aren't stashing pots of gold around the house.  So I turned to Pinterest in search of a plan.

After many sidetrips I found a link to this wonderful 90-day plan: Get Fit in 90 Days.  I have no idea when it was originally posted.  Broken down into 12 weeks, it slowly ratchets up the intensity level and provides enough variety to keep things from getting boring.  And I love that the exercises are all things you could do without going to they gym.  I'll likely spend some time on the elliptical and the treadmill, but it's nice to not have to commit to being boxed in to the gym 5 days a week.

I've made a spreadsheet of the daily workouts (of course I did - total nerd) and will happily be checking the boxes as I go.  Stay tuned!

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