Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday: Paint Supplies

We've been updating the kids rooms over the past few months, which means painting projects both large and small.  Our paint supplies, however, were a mess.  The garage (which is also a mess) has become the dumping ground for everything we're too lazy to find a home for.  And with only one shelf unit, nothing is organized.  I'm going to tackle the entire garage at some point this fall.  For now, I'm just trying to get all the paint supplies in one place!

First, I went through the entire garage and pulled all of our supplies together.  See what I mean?  We've bought rollers and painters tape multiple times, simply because we couldn't find it.  Big waste of $$$ and time.

Next, I pulled an empty storage bin from the basement.  Putting like items together, I was able to fit all our supplies (even the drop cloths!) into the bin,

which fits nicely onto the shelf.  Now when we start a painting job, all we have to do is grab the bin and get started :D

All in all, this project took me maybe 10 minutes. What was I waiting for?!

Next week I'm putting the finishing touches on a chalkboard for our daughter's room.  Stay tuned!

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